Saturday, September 28, 2013

Is That Comfortable?

I walked out of our bedroom tonight and noticed Porter was half sleeping on the armrest of the chair and half on AJ's stuffed kangaroo.  I'm not even sure if that is comfortable!

Friday, September 27, 2013

A Rough Go

Poor AJ must be working on his two year molars because he sure has been having a rough go of sleeping lately.  For the past few weeks, about 4-6 nights of the week, AJ will end up in bed with Daddy and I.  He usually will fall right asleep once his head hits the pillow, but he also sometimes will toss and turn and punch or kick Daddy.  Poor Daddy!!  Here he is sweetly sleeping in our bed...

{Don't mind the toothpaste all down the front of his pajamas - he's all about brushing his own teeth and he is a drool monster when he does it...hence the toothpaste stains...}

I feed the baby!!

Getting the baby sippy cup ready to feed the baby!

Feeding the baby

Giving LS2 a big kiss!

Sevigny Stories

  • AJ is definitely aware that there is a baby in my belly and lately he has been taking his huge T-Rex dinosaur and putting it up to my belly and yelling 'T-Rex eat the baby!'.  I, of course, play along with him and say 'oh no' and try to get away from the dinosaur... and boy, does he get a kick out of it!  It's so funny to watch him!
  • Today while we were playing in the living room, AJ took one of the baby sippy cups that he's never used, brought it up to my belly, lifted my shirt so he could see my belly button and put the cup to my belly button and said 'I feed the baby'.  He's going to be the best big brother!! 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Puzzle Time

During our morning playtime before I had to go into work, AJ wanted me to help him work on his construction puzzle.  After putting it together and then having AJ pull it apart a few times, we finally got it almost completed!!  The finishing touches were put on by AJ with him inserting the tools where they belong...  He was such a good helper!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday Xavier!

After swim class this morning we headed up to MA to see our friends Julie and Reyo and celebrate their son, Xavier's 2nd birthday! I might have gotten the start time of the party wrong by an hour - oops, pregnancy brain! - but it was a welcomed mistake as we were able to help set up and let AJ keep Xavier occupied as they both ran around the hall like crazy kiddos!!

Playing with mini cars during the party 

Landon and AJ sharing cars

Even after the party while we were helping to clean up, AJ and Xavier were still at it...  these two are like two peas in a pod! 

Pushing around the garbage can while everyone helps to clean up

Saturday, September 21, 2013

36 Weeks

Knowing the baby is still breech, I have been trying a bunch of suggested at-home techniques to try and get LS2 to turn.  I've been putting a bag of frozen brussel sprouts on the top of my belly every few nights to try and get him/her to move head down because the baby doesn't like the cold near its head.  I've turned on some classical baby music on my iPhone and played it for LS2 super low on my belly.  And I've even tried getting down on all fours and just hanging out there while watching TV after AJ went to bed to try and give LS2 some additional room to move head down.  But not knowing if these techniques were working and being the worry-wart that I am (I would like to avoid a C-section if at all possible!), I decided to schedule a chiropractor appointment for this past Wednesday.  After doing my research and having the nurse tell me at my last appointment that she has seen some success with the Webster chiropractic technique, I said 'what the hell?!' and went in for a spine adjustment with Dr. Lynn Carnaroli at the Chriropractic Center of Norwich right down the road from NFA.  I was in and out of the office within 20 minutes and after doing a suggested walk around the block for 10-15 minutes, I went home and just waited.  Dr. Carnaroli told me if the baby was to turn at all, it would most likely turn that night while I was sleeping.  Well, I woke up the next day and didn't really feel much different.  It seemed as though there was a bit more pressure in the nether region, but I wasn't sure if that was wishful thinking on my part that the baby was finally head down or if the baby did, in fact, move head down and it was real pressure.  I wouldn't officially know until this Friday at my appointment.  Fast forward to Friday and I received the best news... LS2 listened to his/her mommy and finally assumed the position of head down! NO MORE BREECH BABY!  WOOHOO!!! Needless to say, I was feeling a bit accomplished and right after that appointment I went straight to Dr. Carnaroli's office!  She was ecstatic for me and gave me a huge hug and wished me well on the delivery!  I must say - after having only met Dr. Carnaroli once and then going back to tell her the news and the reaction she had - I felt like I had been a patient of hers for years.  I definitely would recommend her pregnancy chiro services to anyone who has a breech baby or needs chiropractic intervention during the duration of their pregnancy!

Anyway - needless to say, Michael and I are ecstatic that LS2 has assumed the birthing position and the possibility of a C-Section now is super-duper low.  We are so eager to meet our new addition and AJ seems to be getting excited about the baby.  He has declared it is a 'girl... no boy....girl' so we will see in just a couple short weeks whether he is right or not!

LS2- 36 wks 1

LS2- 36 wks 2

LS2- 36 wks 3

Friday, September 20, 2013

Bike Fun

Another day of bike riding at Cioci Kimmy's!

Fun with Maddie before bike time outside.

Following his big cousin Katie down their driveway

All decked out in his safety gear

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Safety First!

While at Cioci Kimmy's today the kiddos wanted to ride their bikes.  Before any of them got on their bikes though, Katie ensured each child had a helmet and safety gear to wear.  She's such a big cousin!

AJ sporting the Sesame Street knee and elbow pads

Allie with her bright pink helmet

Cutie patootie!


Katie looking so grown up!

Kisses & hugs for LS2


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Out to Dinner

Daddy had to go to bed early tonight because of work so Auntie Carrie, AJ and I headed out to Ruby Tuesday for an impromptu dinner date.

On our way into the restaurant

Waiting for dinner

Feeding Auntie Carrie

Monday, September 16, 2013

Saturday, September 14, 2013

35 Weeks

Had a bit of a scare this past week.  On Tuesday, I had a bit of a breakdown at work - tears and all.  It was mostly brought on by stress created by my boss about a project she has me working on , but what really freaked me out was that I hadn't felt LS2 move since Monday afternoon.  Now I know the baby is getting bigger and there's less and less room for him/her to move, but after having drank an entire nalgene bottle of cold water and eating some chocolate, LS2 still didn't move on Monday night.  And then all day on Tuesday I was waiting to feel him/her kick and I felt nothing.  So I called the OB office and my boss made me leave work to go home and get some rest.  Once the nurse called me back, she told me Dr. Briggs wanted me to go in for a non-stress test to ensure everything was okay with the baby.  So my mom picked me up and off to Labor and Delivery we went.  Of course the minute I got hooked up to the machines, LS2 started having a dance party in my belly (he/she is already making a liar out of me and he/she is not even born yet!!)!  But let me tell you - that dance party was the most welcomed dance party ever!  His/her heartbeat was around 155 and the movements were consistent and plentiful.  The nurse saw no contractions and after being hooked up to the machine for about 45 minutes or so, I was released and felt a big sense of relief knowing LS2 was still alive and kicking (literally!)!  Phew!




Molly's First Birthday

We celebrated Molly's first birthday today at Auntie Lauren and Uncle Matt's house.  The kiddos all got to play together and the adults were able to have some grown-up conversation - a win-win in my book!

This kid wore these sunglasses for like 20-30 minutes - we were so impressed!

Such a cutie!

Katie pulling the two younger kiddos along!
Still wagon-ing along!

AJ and Maddie

Oh that face AJ!

The birthday girl after a fun party!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Runaway Sofa?!

Afternoon Across the Street

Babcia and Dziadzi left for a week-long vacation in Florida today so while I was checking on the house, I decided I would stop across the street at Aunt Joyce's house to see Laurie, Stacey and Matt.  I've been meaning to meet up with Stacey to drop off a stuffed giraffe that I had for her and since it was in the car, this afternoon was a perfect time to do it!  While we were there they were watching Camden, one of Mandi's boys, so AJ had not only a playmate with Cam, but also Laurie and Stacey too!  He had an absolute ball with everyone...  I think he might want to do it again soon!!

Playing with the toy firetruck and ambulance with Cam 

Smile kiddos! 

They were totally hamming it up for us!

Blowing bubbles with Laurie

Feeding Stacey's cat, Friday

More treats

Laurie had AJ in giggle fits...

He was loving all the tickling attention!
Best buds!