Thursday, September 12, 2013

Four Years

Michael and I celebrated our four year wedding anniversary today.  Some days it feels like it was just yesterday that we got married and then other days, it feels like twenty years have passed.  We've been through the best of times, the not-so-best of times and the in-between.  We have a handsome, spunky and intelligent son, Alexander James that has brought more love into our marriage than he'll ever know.  And in just about a month or so we will welcome our second child, LS2 into the world to complete our little family. Thank you Michael James for all the laughs, hugs, fights, kisses and fatherly love that you've shown over the past four years - I know that the next four years (and then some) will only be better!  Love you more!

Cioci Kimmy and Uncle Jason so graciously watched AJ for us so we could head out to Cafe Mangia in Colchester for an anniversary dinner.  The food was really good, but the timing of the meal left a bit to be desired!  Oh well.... it was a semi quick evening out for the two of us before life gets hectic again with a newborn and a two year-old running around!  We'll take it!

My love and I

Our beautiful little family of three

This is growing by one this year... LS2 we can't wait to meet you!

My boys being silly... one not looking at the camera and the other hamming it up for the camera!

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