Saturday, September 14, 2013

35 Weeks

Had a bit of a scare this past week.  On Tuesday, I had a bit of a breakdown at work - tears and all.  It was mostly brought on by stress created by my boss about a project she has me working on , but what really freaked me out was that I hadn't felt LS2 move since Monday afternoon.  Now I know the baby is getting bigger and there's less and less room for him/her to move, but after having drank an entire nalgene bottle of cold water and eating some chocolate, LS2 still didn't move on Monday night.  And then all day on Tuesday I was waiting to feel him/her kick and I felt nothing.  So I called the OB office and my boss made me leave work to go home and get some rest.  Once the nurse called me back, she told me Dr. Briggs wanted me to go in for a non-stress test to ensure everything was okay with the baby.  So my mom picked me up and off to Labor and Delivery we went.  Of course the minute I got hooked up to the machines, LS2 started having a dance party in my belly (he/she is already making a liar out of me and he/she is not even born yet!!)!  But let me tell you - that dance party was the most welcomed dance party ever!  His/her heartbeat was around 155 and the movements were consistent and plentiful.  The nurse saw no contractions and after being hooked up to the machine for about 45 minutes or so, I was released and felt a big sense of relief knowing LS2 was still alive and kicking (literally!)!  Phew!




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