Sunday, September 1, 2013

Katie and Allie's Pirate and Princess Birthday Party!

Today we headed over to Katie and Allie's Pirate and Princess themed birthday parties.  Katie will be turning 5 on September 8th and Allie will be 3 on September 30th.  Seriously...5 and 3? Where has the time gone?!?!  Cioci Kimmy and Uncle Jason threw a fun party for their girls with delicious food and an awesome Pirate themed goody bag for AJ to take home!  Happy Birthday my two little girls!

AJ and Taj jumping around on the trampoline

The fabulous cake decorated by Carrie and Cioci Kimmy

Time for Katie to make a wish!

Next it was Allie's turn!

We even had some real pirates show up!

Back to the trampoline

Lots of pool time was had by all!

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