Saturday, September 21, 2013

36 Weeks

Knowing the baby is still breech, I have been trying a bunch of suggested at-home techniques to try and get LS2 to turn.  I've been putting a bag of frozen brussel sprouts on the top of my belly every few nights to try and get him/her to move head down because the baby doesn't like the cold near its head.  I've turned on some classical baby music on my iPhone and played it for LS2 super low on my belly.  And I've even tried getting down on all fours and just hanging out there while watching TV after AJ went to bed to try and give LS2 some additional room to move head down.  But not knowing if these techniques were working and being the worry-wart that I am (I would like to avoid a C-section if at all possible!), I decided to schedule a chiropractor appointment for this past Wednesday.  After doing my research and having the nurse tell me at my last appointment that she has seen some success with the Webster chiropractic technique, I said 'what the hell?!' and went in for a spine adjustment with Dr. Lynn Carnaroli at the Chriropractic Center of Norwich right down the road from NFA.  I was in and out of the office within 20 minutes and after doing a suggested walk around the block for 10-15 minutes, I went home and just waited.  Dr. Carnaroli told me if the baby was to turn at all, it would most likely turn that night while I was sleeping.  Well, I woke up the next day and didn't really feel much different.  It seemed as though there was a bit more pressure in the nether region, but I wasn't sure if that was wishful thinking on my part that the baby was finally head down or if the baby did, in fact, move head down and it was real pressure.  I wouldn't officially know until this Friday at my appointment.  Fast forward to Friday and I received the best news... LS2 listened to his/her mommy and finally assumed the position of head down! NO MORE BREECH BABY!  WOOHOO!!! Needless to say, I was feeling a bit accomplished and right after that appointment I went straight to Dr. Carnaroli's office!  She was ecstatic for me and gave me a huge hug and wished me well on the delivery!  I must say - after having only met Dr. Carnaroli once and then going back to tell her the news and the reaction she had - I felt like I had been a patient of hers for years.  I definitely would recommend her pregnancy chiro services to anyone who has a breech baby or needs chiropractic intervention during the duration of their pregnancy!

Anyway - needless to say, Michael and I are ecstatic that LS2 has assumed the birthing position and the possibility of a C-Section now is super-duper low.  We are so eager to meet our new addition and AJ seems to be getting excited about the baby.  He has declared it is a 'girl... no boy....girl' so we will see in just a couple short weeks whether he is right or not!

LS2- 36 wks 1

LS2- 36 wks 2

LS2- 36 wks 3

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