Sunday, December 2, 2012

Montville Christmas Parade

After we came inside from our fun afternoon, my plan was to put AJ down for a nap.  He had gotten a decent amount of fresh air and would most likely go down pretty quickly.  But right as I was about to go into his bedroom, the phone rang.  It was my mom and she was down at my Gram's house - she mentioned that the Montville Christmas Parade would be starting in about twenty minutes and that I should consider coming down so AJ could see Santa.  So... instead of going down for a nap, I rushed around the house and got AJ ready and was out the door within five minutes (that's a record for me!).  Once we got to my Gram's house, I put AJ in the stroller and bundled him all up and off we went to the end of the street right as the parade was starting.  It was perfect timing and both AJ and Gram had a wonderful time watching it!

Definitely a blurry and not properly exposed at all picture, but this was the setup with AJ and GG right next to him. 

All the vehicles in the parade had lights on them.. it was really neat and colorful!




There was even a barbershop quartet to serenade us!


The Grinch stopped by, but he didn't ruin our spirit!

Next was Rudolph!


Then came the motorcycles... all lit up!

They went round and round in a huge circle and all the lights on the bikes made it such an awesome sight to see!



Snoopy even made an appearance (although Mommy thought it was a polar bear at first!)



GG and AJ were having a grand 'ol time even though I couldn't get them to look at the camera at the same time!  GG was clapping her hands along to the music and waving at all the floats..

We were worried that this was the only Santa we would see...

But lo and behold.. the real Santa wasn't too far behind!

Ho ho ho... Merry Christmas!

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