Sunday, December 23, 2012

Stravato Christmas Party 2012

Last night, we celebrated Christmas with the Stravato's.  They always have a yankee swap for the adults and Michael and I usually bring two gifts so we can try to dominate and take home some good things. (We totally did last year, I picked #1 - the best number to have and I came home with a Vera Bradley purse!)  But this year we decided to only bring one present and take our chances.  We didn't make out so well though.  We picked #7 (if I remember correctly) and I let Michael pick the gift and he got a crockpot.  Sweet - we needed a new one anyway!  But, just a few numbers later someone stole it from us and we had to go to the tree.  There was our present and Dan's parent's present under the tree.  We let AJ pick between the two and luckily he picked our present, a Ninja chopper set.  (Dan's parent's present was a fruit and chocolate basket - something we were NOT interested in for the $40 price tag of presents.)  So needless to say, we came home with our own present which we were bummed about.  But the one good thing? AJ made out like a bandit with presents from Dan, Chris and the boys and Jeff, Heather and Austin.  He got a remote-controlled Thomas the Train engine that blows real steam and some other Thomas goodies from Dan, Chris and the boys.  And then a sweet Little People race car set from Jeff, Heather and Austin.  So although we were bummed about our misfortune in the present department, our little guy was over the moon with all of his goodies!

AJ and Daddy broke out the Thomas the Train toy tonight

I think Daddy was having more fun with it than AJ!

I know this is dark, but can you see the blue 'steam' coming out of it? So cool!

Just hanging out with Thomas.

AJ just loves Thomas.

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