Monday, December 31, 2012

Sledding Fun with Mom and Dad

Since the snow settled a bit from yesterday, we decided to take AJ out sledding today.  And even though we had a rough start yesterday, AJ did not want to come in from playing outside in the snow so I knew he would have a blast sledding today!

While Mommy was finishing getting all bundled up, Daddy took AJ out and made a slide path.

Excited to be going down the hill in a second...

And they're off!

Go, Daddy, go! 

I think he was saying 'Stop, it's Mommy's turn!'

Not happy about something!

Have I mentioned that I love where we live?! All of that yard.. that's ours!

Even though he wanted Mommy to take him sledding, Daddy started the trek back to the top...

Almost around the pond...

And back up the hill...

And here we go again!

Mommy finally handed over the camera and took her turn with AJ!

You have to put a little bit of muscle into it... 

And apparently I put too much muscle into it cause I fell down!  Clearly AJ wasn't amused!

Pulled up my boot straps and off we go up the hill....

We were having lots of fun!

'Weeee.... down the hill we go!'

I even let him go down the hill on his own...

'I got this Mom!'

All bundled up and loving his sledding time!

AJ's first time sledding was a success!!

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