Monday, December 24, 2012

Brunet Christmas 2012

Our annual Christmas Eve tradition carried on this year with a relaxing night at JoAnn and Richard's house in Oxford, MA.  We enjoyed yummy food (including JoAnn's delicious corn and crab chowder) and some not-so-yummy food (Grandma's crap dip - bleh!) along with great company.  AJ got to play with some of JoAnn's grandson's toys, which we found out he LOVES all sorts of dump trucks, diggers, and anything that moves when you press a button, and he got a cool present of a Little People airplane.  I tell ya, this little boy is already so spoiled and Santa hasn't even come yet! Thanks again to JoAnn and Richard for including us in your family celebration!

Why so serious, Mr. AJ?

Anxious to open presents...

Helping Grandpa open his present

Very focused

I don't think he was amused by the bow that Grandpa put on his head!

Now it's time for AJ to open his present

'Oooh what is it?!'

It's a Little People Airplane! Woohoo!

Since Mommy and Daddy wouldn't open his airplane toy, he resorted back to Tyler's toys

AJ couldn't get enough of the CAT toys

Getting ready to go home, but couldn't pass up a photo opportunity with Aunt Jo even though he was exhausted!

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