Saturday, December 8, 2012

The North Pole at West Farms 2012 - Part 1

AJ and I headed up to The North Pole at West Farms Mall again this year to take a (hopefully annual) picture with Santa.  After circling the parking lot for about 15 minutes, we finally found a spot and made our way in to meet Julie and Dexter.  We met them in line, which was SUPER long, and started our wait to meet the Big Guy.  Well, Dexter wasn't too pleased with having to wait in line again (he met Santa last night with another friend) and started throwing a tantrum.  Needless to say, that was Julie's cue to go walk around the mall with Dexter leaving us to wait in line by ourselves.  To keep a long story (or 2-hour wait!) short, a couple iPhone games and a Santa balloon from Bella the Clown later, we made our way to the holding area right before meeting Santa.  In this area, fake snow was falling and music from the movie Ice Age: Continental Drift was playing.  The elves only let in a couple of kids at a time so they can actually enjoy it and dance around.  And let me tell you, there was only one other little girl in there with AJ and he loved it!  He was all smiles and was dancing all around.  I even was able to catch a quick video of him!

Finally out of the stroller and able to walk around.

'There's something falling from the sky'

'Can you see it Mom?  It's snow!'

He was quite amused by the fake snow coming down

Taking a two-second break from dancing 

He loved the music and the snow 

Getting down!

More snow! 

'This doesn't feel like the real stuff'

Another two-second break

Getting ready to get back to dancing!

'Want some snow Mom?' 

The two-hour wait was worth it when I saw how happy he was!

A Mommy and AJ shot 

'I get to meet Santa!'

Look at that right foot go!

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