Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Seventeen Months!

Our little boy is 17 months already and there's no stopping him!  He is currently obsessed with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and absolutely loves 'The Hot Dog' dance.  The second he hears that song come on, he drops anything and everything he is doing and runs into the living room to watch it and dance along.  He is starting to get a bit more vocal and will now point to what he wants and say 'dat' until Mommy or Daddy figure out exactly what he is pointing at.  He says 'Baba' for Babcia now and when you ask him what a turkey says, he replies 'gobb gobb'. It's too cute!  He's learned to climb up out of the pool all on his own now with his elbows, belly and legs.  He's in the very beginning stages of not hating my camera anymore.  Don't get me wrong - he still tries to go the opposite way when I take it out, but he at least will say 'cheese' every now and again.  [Baby steps..baby steps!]  He is wanting to become Mr. Independent when it comes to feeding time.  He has just started to eat with a real fork and spoon (his very own Thomas the Train set) and he has to do it himself.  He does not want help!  His favorite vegetables are corn and cucumbers.  And these past few weeks feeding hasn't been all that easy.  It's been a complete struggle to get him to eat - we're chalking it up to be a side effect from teething, but we have yet to see any teeth coming through!  And our little man has been super clingy to Mommy this past month - I can't even go to the bathroom without him by my side!  And even though I don't even get those few minutes to go potty by myself, I wouldn't trade in the love, hugs and kisses AJ has been giving me constantly.  Those are absolutely my favorite moments with him.

Happy 17 Months Alexander James!

Looking oh-so-innocent

Love him so much

That smile gets me every time

So sweet!

Our blonde hair and blue-eyed baby boy

Hanging out with Elmo

Clearly not a fan of the camera right now..

..And we've hit meltdown mode!

Luckily Grandma came to the rescue with her laundry basket rides...

I think Timber wanted in on it too!

'Too bad Timber.. It's just me for now!"

All smiles after a mini break from the photoshoot

'Ok.. I guess I'll make eye contact'

Trying out Grandpa's hat

After the photoshoot AJ wanted to play with his blocks and wear his play Hawaiian lei around.  
Too cute!

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