Monday, December 31, 2012

Crazy New Year's Eve

Because of the recent snow and some sicknesses going around, we all decided to stay home on New Year's Eve... boo!  After we put AJ to bed, Michael and I hung out on the couch and watched Dick Clark's Rockin' New Year's Eve with Ryan Seacrest.  At the same time, I was texting Julie (and Reyo) and telling them about how boring our night was.  So.... Michael decided to pose for me...

Classic duck face.  Awesome. But he did make me laugh!

And then we had noticed that Julie and Reyo posted a picture on facebook that was kinda cute and lovey.  So being the bored people we were... we decided to recreate! 

It's actually super similar and I liked how it came out.. so it's a keeper!



Maddie is already two months old and these are the first pictures of Maddie and AJ together.  How did we let that happen!?

First we placed them on the chair together...

Both seemed a bit curious as to what we were up to!

Look at those faces....!!

Then we decided they needed to cuddle!

But AJ wasn't being much a cuddle bug unfortunately....

But at least we finally got his attention and a semi-cuddling pic of the two littlest cousins!

Rocking Dino

AJ loves his dino rocker that Santa brought him!

Sledding Fun with Mom and Dad

Since the snow settled a bit from yesterday, we decided to take AJ out sledding today.  And even though we had a rough start yesterday, AJ did not want to come in from playing outside in the snow so I knew he would have a blast sledding today!

While Mommy was finishing getting all bundled up, Daddy took AJ out and made a slide path.

Excited to be going down the hill in a second...

And they're off!

Go, Daddy, go! 

I think he was saying 'Stop, it's Mommy's turn!'

Not happy about something!

Have I mentioned that I love where we live?! All of that yard.. that's ours!

Even though he wanted Mommy to take him sledding, Daddy started the trek back to the top...

Almost around the pond...

And back up the hill...

And here we go again!

Mommy finally handed over the camera and took her turn with AJ!

You have to put a little bit of muscle into it... 

And apparently I put too much muscle into it cause I fell down!  Clearly AJ wasn't amused!

Pulled up my boot straps and off we go up the hill....

We were having lots of fun!

'Weeee.... down the hill we go!'

I even let him go down the hill on his own...

'I got this Mom!'

All bundled up and loving his sledding time!

AJ's first time sledding was a success!!

Sunday, December 30, 2012


My little guys footprints.  So tiny. 


We had our second snow storm this year and there was about 5-6 inches of the white stuff everywhere.  I had promised AJ I would take him out to go play in it so after Daddy plowed the driveway and cleared the sidewalk, we bundled up and headed out!

All bundled up!

Still not looking all that happy to be going out to play in the snow.

There we go - there's that smile I was looking for!

I tried to ease him into the snow and put him in a shallow spot of snow...

But he wasn't too happy.

Then I finally got a smile out of him.

Still not sure though about this cold and powdery stuff.

Not only was it freeeezzing outside, but it was super windy too!

Still not looking all that into the snow...

'Mom, get this white stuff off of me!'

I figured it was time to move into the heavy stuff so off we went to the front yard..

And we have a smile!

'Where did my feet go?'


And he lost his balance and fell face first into it.  This is seriously almost a replica of a picture from last year's snow adventure!  My poor little guy!

To try calm him down from falling face-first into the snow, I figured we would go for a ride on his slide.  As you can see, that worked out really well.

So back to the front yard we went, but I brought toys this time around!

AJ decided he wanted to use his shovel to fill up the dump truck.

Moving the snow.

And eating the snow.

And standing proudly in the snow.

Back to shoveling.

Filling 'er up.

He was now excited to be in the snow.. phew!

This is tough work. 

And requires a lot of concentration. 

Look at him.  Isn't he just precious?!

Looking at his hardwork in the bed of the truck. 

'Oh no Mom, my glove fell off!'

'Still taking pictures, Mom?!'

Even though AJ wasn't too fond of the snow when we first went outside, he did not want to come back inside when I finally decided I was freezing and couldn't take anymore.  The poor thing was crying and throwing a fit because he wanted to stay outside... so I promised him we would go sledding tomorrow!  Stay tuned!