Saturday, June 29, 2013

24 weeks

I had my monthly doctor's appointment yesterday and LS2 is looking great!  His/her heartbeat is in the 150s and while listening in with the doppler, Dr. Welch could tell how active he/she is.... LS2 was kicking up a storm!  Dr. Welch measured my belly for the first time this pregnancy and didn't report anything negative so I am assuming I'm right on target with my measurements.  I've started to swell just a teensy tiny bit, mostly in my legs, but I'm thinking it's due to the super humid weather we've been having these days.  Other than that - LS2 is quite comfortable and happy in his/her home!




Friday, June 28, 2013

And the Swelling Begins...

As I was getting up from the couch this evening, I noticed I have started to swell a bit. Those imprints on my legs are from the couch cushions.  They stayed there for quite some time... I guess the only thing I can say is, 'let the swelling begin!' Ugh!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Belly and Chalk

While playing with his sidewalk chalk this morning, AJ decided he was more interested in getting it all over Mommy than on the driveway. Silly boy!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Sweet Dreams

We had our first swim class of the summer swimester tonight at 5pm at Salt Rock campground tonight and it was a hot one!  AJ absolutely loved it though - he was so lively and chatty during class.  He had so much fun though that he tuckered himself out and fell asleep on the car ride to Baba and Dziadzi's for dinner and then proceeded to sleep from 6-8pm, only to wake up for the car ride home and for Mommy to change him into his pajamas.  As I was changing him, I asked him if he wanted to eat dinner or go nuh-night and he said he wanted to eat.  So while I went to let Timber outside and then warm up his dinner, I put AJ on his Mickey couch with his blanket (the A/C was on so it was a bit cool in the house), but by the time I came back upstairs he was passed out again.  Needless to say, I think he's out for the night.

Sunday, June 23, 2013


Grandma and Grandpa treated us to a lobster feast tonight!  The only bad thing was that AJ slept through it all!

These lobsters were HUGE!  All 8lb-ers or more!

Michael named them (from left to right): Handsome Pete, Barnacle Bill, Capt. Black Claw and Phil. 

I was only able to eat the claws - so much meat!

After AJ woke up, he was quite interested in the lobsters on the table.  We had already devoured the claws, but the body and tails were still in tact so even though AJ thought they were crabs (he loves crabs!), we showed him all the parts of the lobster.  And Grandma was obsessed with showing him the green poop on the tail - absolutely ridiculous!  Luckily for me, my child realized how gross the poop was and didn't want to touch it - but he did think it hilarious and would crack up every time Grandma talked about it or pointed to it!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Dexter's 2nd Birthday Party!

We celebrated Dexter's second birthday today at the Preston City Firehouse.  His Mommy, Julie went all out and had a real firetruck for the kiddos to explore, a bounce house, a water table and a kiddie pool for all the kiddos the enjoy!  AJ loved the fire truck and kept wanting to hang out in it as well as the bounce house - it was tough to get him out of there! He contemplated going in the kiddie pool, but opted to only play with the water table instead.  We all had such a fun time celebrating Dex's 2nd birthday!

Hanging out with Jessie, a high school friend of mine's son

Fun with Daddy in the firetruck!

23 weeks

There's not much new to report this week..  I've started to feel a little aching in my lower back this time around if I'm standing for a long time, which I don't recall having that with AJ.   But other than that - LS2 is still super active and staying comfy in mommy's belly!




Friday, June 21, 2013


Since our playdate was in the afternoon, AJ didn't go down for a nap at all.  Within one minute of leaving Cioci Kimmy's driveway, AJ was passed out.  I think he had a bit of fun this afternoon!

Visitors from AZ!

Devon, Brian and the girls, Aubrey and Ciara have been in town for the past two weeks and we finally got a chance to hang out with the girls today.  We had an impromptu pool get-together at Cioci Kimmy's and it was lots of fun...We love catching up with Devon and the kiddos! [Brian was too busy playing golf with a buddy!]

AJ being sneaky on the trampoline

Fun on the trampoline with AJ and Ciara

Well, hello there Ciara!

Aubrey refused to make eye contact with me for this picture!

Allie joined in on the trampoline fun!

And there's Miss Maddie... poor kiddo was sick and not able to join in on the fun! 
 There's always next year!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

PT Thursday!

Just another crazy morning with the kiddos while Cioci Kimmy went to her PT appointment.

Allie feeding AJ a strawberry

'Let's put our heads down on the counter and look at each other'


AJ just loves this princess ride-on!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

In Bloom!

One of the many squash blooms we have in our garden!  We cannot wait for our home-grown veggies!

A Message to Daddy

I tried to get AJ to sit next to the message, but Mr. Ants in His Pants wouldn't sit still!! 

Monday, June 17, 2013

Bubbles, Bubbles Everywhere!

We broke out the bubble wands and had some fun with bubbles today while at Baba and Dziadzi's!
First the kiddos and Baba started out by swinging 

Then out came the bubble wands!











AJ wanted to help blow a bubble!
