Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Work Birthday

Since I work with such a small group at the Town Hall, we all try to celebrate each other's birthdays.  Usually someone will make a homemade cake and we'll celebrate, but today was a bit different.  My mom ended up staying for lunch which is unusual, but she had mentioned that she had to go Cioci Kimmy's for 2:30pm so she was just going to eat lunch with everyone and then go.  She asked me if I wanted to join (which I normally just have a working lunch) and since she would be there, I said yes.  We all ate our lunches and then all of a sudden my mom pulls out this cake box from Stop and Shop.  And this is what I saw...

Instead of making a cake, she decided she would buy me the cake that I had originally requested for my birthday.  It was a yummy vanilla cake with traditional butter cream frosting with the colors pink, blue and purple.  And let me tell you...it was DELICIOUS!!  Thanks Momma for taking care of me - you're the best!

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