Saturday, June 1, 2013

20 weeks

It's that time again for weekly belly shots!!  I can't believe I'm already twenty weeks! Wow - that went by fast!  We had our 20-week ultrasound this past Wednesday and LS2 looks perfect!  He/she had no problem showing off his/her legs and arms, but he/she wanted to keep its face to itself.  The ultrasound tech tried shaking and wiggling my belly to get the baby to move around, but nope - he/she was showing us whose boss already!  The tech said he/she is probably about 12 ounces and looks great.  I've already started feeling LS2 move around in there - which is a few weeks earlier than with AJ, but I think that's due to my placenta being posterior this time around.  Either way - feeling the baby move has to be hands down the best feeling in the world while pregnant!  And I cannot wait until he/she is strong enough for AJ to feel his/her moves!!




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