Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Last night, my cousin Jen called our house and told me to get down to her house right away because there was a Chinook look-alike in her driveway (our Husky that ran away two days after Michael and I got engaged back in 2008).  So I quickly told Michael and off he went down to Jen's.  It turns out that it wasn't Chinook, but a very friendly lost Husky who was trying to find his way home.  Michael brought him some water and food and tied him up at Jen and Marc's house for the night.  He also made sure to take a picture and posted it on facebook to see if anyone had a lead on the missing dog.  Flash forward to this morning and as Cioci Kimmy was watching the WFSB morning news with Scot Haney, she saw a picture of the dog which looked exactly like the one we had at Jen's so she called Michael up and gave him word of it.  He e-mailed Scot and told him that we had the dog and later this afternoon, Michelle and her son came to pick up 2-year old Oscar.  I was at work when they came to get him, but Michael said Oscar perked right up when he saw them and ran towards them.  We are so happy we were able to reunite Oscar with his family!  Welcome back home Oscar!

He was so sad





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