Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sleepy Monster

After making the banana baby food, I cleaned up and was planning on going on a walk with AJ and Timber.  But AJ had a different plan in mind.  While I was getting dressed for our walk, I put AJ on our bed to rest for a few minutes so I could have my two hands free.  I then went into our master bathroom to brush my teeth and as I'm brushing my teeth I look over at AJ and he had stopped moving.  (He was playing around with Mr. Teddy while I was getting ready.)  I didn't think he had fallen asleep - I thought that maybe I had just caught him in a moment of rest from playing with Mr. Teddy.  But to my surprise when I walked over to the bed, he was fast asleep holding on to Mr. Teddy's bowtie.  He looked absolutely adorable so of course I had to document with pictures.

Timber joined in on the napfest

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