Friday, November 4, 2011

4 Months!

Our sweet little boy is 4 months old today. He continues to grow each and every day and he amazes us with every little new thing he does! At the doctor's today, the nurse told us that he's perfect - we already knew that, but it was nice to hear it coming from someone else!   As for his stats, he's 12lbs and 25.5 inches long - such a big boy!  AJ also had to get two shots today.  The first one didn't even phase him, but the second one did not make him a happy camper.  He turned bright red and started screaming, but luckily I was there to give him a great big hug and nurse him and within a minute or two he was okay.  Shots are not fun. at. all.  Dr. Long also gave us the okay to start feeding him some solids so hopefully within the next week or so I'll be making some homemade pears, peaches or sweet potatoes!

AJ continues to love his cereal. We switched from rice cereal to oatmeal cereal because he was having a little constipation issue, but since the switch we haven't looked back!  And instead of spoon feeding it to him, I add it to a bottle of breastmilk (or formula).  I think his tongue thrust reflex is almost gone so I'll be able to spoon feed him very soon!  He also loves to hold his bottle while you feed him and those tiny little hands are just so adorable!  His new choice of food is his hands and fingers.  You can always find AJ sucking and chewing on his hands. He's become very vocal and now giggles at us.  His giggle is the most precious sound I've ever heard - I love it!  AJ also tries to sit up when you're holding him in a cradle position.  Pretty soon those ab muscles will be strong enough and he'll be sitting up on his own.  He's mastered the art of rolling over from his back to his stomach.  And he now loves to arch his back every chance he gets, which makes changing him oh-so fun!

This series of pictures makes me laugh.  After having gotten his shots earlier in the day and trying to ward off a fever, AJ was not a happy camper.  And you can totally tell in these pictures.  He wouldn't smile for me or Daddy.  You should have seen the funny faces we were making trying to get him to look somewhat happy.  We failed.  Mommy and Daddy fail!

Eating his yummy fingers

'Oh.. Hi there.'

This is the only one where I was able to get a semi-smile from our little guy

Crazy eyes!

He at least made a little bit of eye contact with the camera

'Oh hey.. I'm 4 months now!'

'Let's play with the sticker'

Silly AJ

Trying to get away from the big black camera

He was so done with the picture taking at this point

We tried the bumbo seat, but he still wanted nothing to do with the camera

All he wanted to do was play with his toy and stare at his feet

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