Sunday, November 13, 2011

10 Day Challenge - Day 1

I've been challenged by my sister to take up the 10 Day Challenge for my blog.  So... here I go...

Day 1 - 10 Secrets

1.  If it wasn't for my family living in CT, I would not hesitate to pack all of our belongings up and move somewhere else.  And that somewhere else would be some place where it's warm.  It would most definitely have to have palm trees and turquoise waters.  Hawaii or Australia, perhaps?!

2.  I wish I was as crafty as my mom and sister.  I bet if I really put my mind to it, I could be - but at this point in my life, I really don't know where I would find the time to learn something new.  So for now, my craftiness consists of my photographic efforts.  But I do need my mom to teach me how to sew within the next year!

3.  While I was pregnant, I knew deep down that I was having a boy.  It absolutely scared the bejeezus out of me because we haven't had a boy in the family in a really long time and I had no idea what to do with a boy.  But all signs led me to believe I was having a boy.  And I was right, which just goes to show that I should really trust my gut feeling about things. 

4.  I miss accounting.  I never thought I would utter those words, but it's true.  When CCR and I parted ways, I was happy to have a break from the auditing/accounting world because I was burnt out.  But now that I've had some time away, I kinda miss being an accounting geek. 

5.  I sometimes feel as though I never really got the full college friend experience.  I was an RA for 4 out of my 5 years (grad year included) and I lived in an alcohol-free dorm my freshman year - needless to say, not many people wanted to be my friend!  haha  Don't get me wrong - I enjoyed college and met a lot of great people, but I always wonder if I wasn't an RA - if I would have had a closer-knit group of college friends that I would keep in touch with today.  

6.  I drink about 100 ounces of water a day.  If I don't, I feel like the day has been a complete failure.

7.  If I could wallpaper my house in pictures of family, friends and other memories we've shared, I would.  I absolutely love pictures and how they bring you back to the place you where when they were taken.  This way, our family would always be surrounded by love and would never forget a memory.

8.  I am a packrat.  I have tried countless times not to be one, but deep down, I am one.  I always think that maybe I'll use that thing (whatever it may be) one more time down the road so I keep it.  But I usually never do and I just end up holding onto it for no reason.  I'm completely jealous of those people that can throw things away easily.  I sometimes wish I was that type of person.  

9.  I have come to love the month of October.  Pumpkin spiced coffee at Dunkin' Donuts.  Pumpkin beer.  Halloween.  The colors orange, purple, green and black together.  The leaves changing color.  And yes, I would miss all of this if I moved to a tropical location, but it wouldn't stop me because I would then be surrounded by palm trees and turquoise waters - and nothing beats that!

10.  I love being a mom.  Plain and simple - it's the best job in the entire world.  Even when my son wakes up at 4am and wants to eat and mommy is super tired, it doesn't matter.  Being a mom is hands down the greatest. thing. ever. 

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