Tuesday, November 15, 2011


At AJ's 4 month doctor appointment, Dr. Long mentioned that we could start him on solids.  He suggested starting with the four p's - pears, prunes, plums and a'p'ricots - which also happen to be the foods that won't constipate the baby.  So, Michael and I decided pears would be the best out of that group and off we went to the store to buy some yummy pears.  When we got home, Michael boiled, puree'd and put the puree into ice cube trays to freeze and waa-lah, homemade pear baby food was made!

This morning, I decided to start with only one frozen cube of pears to see how AJ would react to it.  I microwaved the pears, added a little bit of breastmilk and cereal and then fed it to him.  He seemed to really like it and kept wanting more.  So for his afternoon feeding, I prepared two cubes of pears with the cereal and breastmilk, and well, AJ was in his glory!  He would fuss in between spoonfuls because I wasn't getting the food to him fast enough!  We'll continue on with just pears this week to make sure he doesn't have any allergic reaction to them, but maybe we'll venture to sweet potatoes next week!

Right before his morning feeding... not so sure about this!

Mmmm... yummy pears.

Give me more, Momma!

Taking in all he can during his afternoon feeding.

What a face!

Helping Momma

Full of pears and happy!

1 comment:

  1. I think the caption on that last pic should go something like this- Ok Mom, I'm full, I'm happy, and I'm working on a nice surprise for you later... Living the good life!
