Saturday, July 19, 2014

Look What Else..

In addition to an ear infection and pink eye, the worst has happened.  AJ has cpme down with hives and seems to be allergic to amoxicillin like his Mommy.  Our little boy cannot catch a break!  While Daddy ran out to the store tonight for kids benadryl after talking with an on-call nurse, Mommy tried to distract AJ with some fun running games around the house.  As for a plan, we'll go see the on-call doctor tomorrow to make sure nothing else is going on and hopefully get the go-ahead that we can still go on vacation to PA and OH.

Throughout this whole ordeal, AJ has been a super trooper.  He's barely complained and has been trying to make the best of it.  But as a Mommy, I wish I could take it all away.. there's nothing worse than seeing your child sick and feeling helpless....

I first noticed some hives and a rash on his face around 4pm.

Also noticed some hives on his leg.

It quickly started spreading and getting itchy... 

By 9:30pm, it was everywhere... his ankles...


Arms and hands.

His face had gotten a lot worse by this time, but he was still smiling!



And he was still smiling through it all.

His belly didn't escape the hives.    

And then Daddy came home with the benadryl and 
AJ was able to get some relief and zzzzz's....

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