Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Sevigny Road Trip 2014: Day 2

After our preview last night, we knew we would have a fun day today back at Hershey Park!  AJ was super excited about getting back on rides and Mommy and Daddy couldn't wait to see the excitement on the kiddos faces!  But we were in for a little bit of a rough day - in addition to Mommy still not having a voice (which made it quite interesting trying to communicate with Daddy and the kiddos), Chloe has been feeling a bit under the weather now too.  I'm pretty sure she is coming down with pink eye as the crusties and green goup has decided to show up.  Boo!!  But we were not going to let a little bit of sickness take us down...  so Hershey Park watch out, the Sevignys are coming back!

Hugs while getting ready. 

AJ is up there somewhere with Daddy on the Frontier Flyers.

This little guy is super excited to go on his first ride ALONE.  Meanwhile, 
Mommy is all teary-eyed because her big boy can go alone!  

The Mini Scrambler.

Once the ride starts, Mr. Serious comes out.  I coerced him to give me a little smirk here..

Carousel time!

See that serious side profile?  It was without fail that his 
serious side would come out once the ride started. 

On the Dry Gulch Train, but someone was refusing to smile for the camera!

My Chloe listened and showed me her smile!

Checking out everything alongside the train. 

Daddy didn't get so lucky with Chloe looking at the camera. 

In between all of the rides and excitement, both of the kiddos were refusing to nap.  But after some persistence from Mommy and Daddy and lots of walking around the park with the stroller, the two of them finally fell asleep for a short snooze.  Sigh of relief for Mommy and Daddy - they really needed the nap so we could stay at the park for a few more hours!  Daddy didn't waste any time and took advantage of the snooze and decided to go on one of the huge coasters while Mommy sat with the kiddos and did one of her favorite activities, people watching!  

So peaceful. 

See the green goup?  Pink eye is rearing its ugly head on my beautiful Chloe.

Look who is awake!  Daddy took AJ on his first roller coaster, Cocoa Cruiser!

There they are going up the incline...

Heading down...

Weeeee!   (AJ and Daddy are second car from the back)

Mr. Serious showed up again, but this time on the swings. 


On the Mini Pirate Ship..

I wonder if he is enjoying the ride?  His seriousness 
totally masks any fun he might be having! 

Next up: Skyview with my little man.

AJ cracked a smile for almost the entire ride on the Bizzy Bees!

The big carousel this time! 

We got to meet Mr. Hershey!!!

One last stop on our way out...

Before the projectile vomit occurred....

After all the excitement of the day, we finally made it back to our hotel room.  I think AJ had a bit too much fun (and too much sun - it sure was hot today!) and after eating dinner, he proceeded to projectile vomit all over one of the hotel beds.  What a mess!  While I calmed AJ down and cleaned him up in the bath, Michael called housekeeping and was able to get us some extra sheets and towels.  It was a bit chaotic in our room for an hour or so with the clean-up and just trying to keep the kids calm, but we made it through and were able to get the kiddos to sleep.  I wouldn't be lying though if I said both Michael and I contemplated ending our road trip short at this point (even though it really had only just begun)...  But alas... we decided to keep on trucking on because, well, we really had only begun!

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