Saturday, July 5, 2014

AJ's 3rd Birthday Celebration

What a difference a day makes!  From thunderstorms and no power yesterday to a gorgeous (and not humid!) sunny day today... we really lucked out when we rescheduled AJ's party to today!  Family and friends gathered to celebrate our little man, dino style!  My heart is full from all of the love we had surrounding us today...  Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate our first born!

The birthday boy!

Classic picture.. the birthday boy picking his nose! 

Katie showing off her dinosaur skeletons from the dino dig!

The dino dig was a big hit - as well as the dinosaur glaciers, which lasted 
all about two seconds in the hot summer sun in the water table!


Everyone got involved!




Next up was the dino bubble maker!

This picture makes me laugh... Both AJ and Laurie have the exact same expression on their face!

The dino bubble makers were awesome!  All the kiddos loved them!



AJ loves his Laurie!

T-Rex made a visit for some pictures... First up was Katie..

Then Mel!

Kaleigh wasn't too into playing the scared card... but then the wind blew and Mr. T-Rex started to fall into her and the next picture is priceless...

She legitimately got scared and thought he was trying to get her!  It was so funny!

Even Uncle Steve wanted to take a picture with T-Rex.

Riley wasn't too phased that there was a T-Rex behind her!

Cioci Kimmy tried to get AJ to take a picture because he wasn't so interested at first...

But he started to warm up a little bit... luckily Mr. T-Rex is friendly and doesn't bite!

Maddie wanted in on the fun too. 

AJ playing camera shy and not wanting to be seen with Mr. T-Rex for a picture...

Molly wasn't scared at all!

Neither was Xavier!

But I think Daddy was trying to get him a bit scared...

The dino-riffic cake!

The birthday boy taking a rest before cake time!

Blowing out the candles with some help from Katie

The two blondies.

We asked the kids to get together and roar and this is what we got! 

I absolutely love seeing all the kiddos together having fun!

Traditional birthday family picture.  I love how Chloe is intrigued with her brother!

Our little family.

We couldn't leave Mr. T-Rex out from our family picture!

For the late stayers at the party, we had a special surprise - fireworks!

Michael working his magic!

I promise they looked more like fireworks in person than just a big blob of fire!

A perfect end to a perfect day for our big boy!

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