Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Nine Months

Another month closer to the one year mark!  Chloe is officially crawling now, even though it's still more of an army crawl.  I put her down on the floor to play with some toys and in a few seconds she is on her belly crawling to reach other toys or to be nosey and see what is going on in other parts of the house! Unfortunately, she is starting to get some calluses on the outside arches of her feet because of how she uses her feet to crawl.  I'm sure those will eventually go away though once she figures out how to crawl on her knees.  She has the getting-up-on-her-knees-and-rocking-back-and-forth-thing down, but she's still figuring out how to do it and move as fast as she can when she army crawls!!  She is definitely nosey (like her Momma) and wants to know and see everything that is going on.  I'll be trying to feed her and she has to look every which way that she hears noise because she can't miss a beat!  And when I'm trying to nurse her in the morning, she'll hear one of the theme songs from AJ's cartoons and she has to stop and look at the tv to check out which show it is. I love it!  We're still at a loss for Chloe taking a sippy cup!  She'll entertain one of the tupperware cups that doesn't have a valve, but that only lasts for a minute or so.  Our Chlo-Chlo (her nickname dubbed by Maddie) has her two bottom teeth!  It seems like those might be the lone two teeth for a bit - I felt around and don't feel any others!  She is still a champion eater with her fruit and we have dabbled with some meat in the prepared pouches.  She seems to not be a fan of textured foods (one of her pouches had quinoa in it), but we'll continue to try because we don't want her to end her like her Daddy with textured foods! haha  She absolutely loves the jumperoo and getting all her energy out in it.  She is a climber, especially when I am holding her - she tries to escape and crawl up my arms and torso.  And she has figured out to pull herself up!  We don't seem to be anywhere near walking, and I am completely okay with that.  I want my baby girl to stay a baby for just a bit longer!  Happy nine months, Chloe Kathleen! We love you!

Nine month stats- 19lbs 3.25oz and 28.5 inches long.  Chloe was happy to not have to get any shots this time around!

Somebody wasn't so happy with me for this photoshoot. 


I tried to bring in the big guns.. AKA big brother.  But no such luck. 

AJ just decided to join in on the screaming with little sister.

Even sitting up she wasn't happy.

But wait... some puffies will do the trick!

She's thinking about maybe smiling for the camera...

Yay!  A smile!

And a hug from big brother.

'You're gonna take my puffies away from me?!'

'What is this thing?'

Timber wanted to be a part of the photoshoot as well. 

But really all he wanted was the puffies.

A behind the scenes look at what really goes on during the photoshoot. 

My cutie finally not crying or upset with me. 

Horsing around with big brother after the 9 month photoshoot!

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