Monday, February 11, 2013

Fun in the Rainy Snow

I definitely did not win mother of the year status this winter for taking AJ out in the snow!  It was only today - a few days after the blizzard - that I took AJ outside to experience the snow that had fallen.  I felt like if I took him out before some of the snow had melted, I would have lost my son in the white abyss!  The snow was so stinkin' tall - taller than my AJ!  So even though it was a bit rainy today, we still went out and had fun in the rainy snow anyway!

My little man was so happy to be outside in the fresh air!

'Whoa.. that's a lot of white stuff'

Even with everything that had melted already, the snow was still almost as tall as AJ!

Hi mom!

He had a little fall while trying to navigate the slushy mess which explains his wet bottom!

Playing with his beach toys in the snow.

Filling up his snow castle mold...

Mommy showed him how to make snow castles!

And AJ proceeded to try and demolish those snow castles with his shovel!

So excited!

Look at that face.. he was clearly trying to get away with something!

And he completely demolished all of them! Sad Mommy!

Running around.

Then he found a huge puddle of melted snow which he thought was super fun to play in. 

More running around!

Time to inspect the rocks under the snow.

He had another little slip on the slush, but luckily he didn't get hurt.

My heart.

His hands look so cold, but he refused to wear gloves!

Inspecting the driveway.

I just love this side profile shot of him.

Now it was time to play with his truck...

..Off it goes!

'Look how far it went Mom!'

'I hear something...'

'I see something too!'

We found the birds on the feeder... they were quite sing-songy today!  Hopefully spring is coming soon!

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