Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Another Relaxing Day

Today's relaxing day started out with a quick bath in the whirlpool tub!

Looking oh-so-thrilled that I'm taking his picture this early in the morning. 

Look.. it's my feet!

After his bath, AJ and his cousins along with Dziadzi and Mommy went down to the pond to feed the ducks. 

At first there was only a couple of birds who were interested...

But then the other birds and ducks realized what was going on....

They got a bit closer...

One of them almost walked right up to the girls!

Now look at all of them coming over...

AJ and Allie were so proud of themselves for feeding the birds and ducks.

Going to get some more bread from Dziadzi

'Eat the bread ducks!!'

Yes.. he was clapping for himself cause he was so excited!

'Look at you Mr. Duck!'

This picture cracks me up.. it looks like the duck and AJ are about to share a kiss!

Uh oh.. bread on the ground!

Hello there ducks!

So excited!

I loved seeing the excitement on all of their faces!

AJ and Allie watching as some of the birds and ducks went back into the pond.

Allie.. my little goofball!

Classic Allie!

Bye Mr. Duck!

Once the duck feeding was over, the kiddos wandered over tot he hammock again where I was able to get a quick shot!

Then it was off to the playground again where Daddy and Babcia joined us!

Being a big boy and going down the slide all by himself!


Doesn't he look so excited?!

Now it was time for the BIG slide!

Daddy gave him a little big of encouragement along with Katie who was behind him and he did it!

Next it was Katie's turn down the spiral slide!

And Allie followed suit!

Then it was time to go back to our rooms...

Allie had to get her stitches removed and AJ needed to take a nap.  The past couple of nights AJ hasn't been sleeping well at all; we're chalking it up to him being in a new place and a new crib.  He'll wake up in the middle of the night crying and screaming so we'll take him into our bed where he will eventually calm down and go to sleep.  Needless to say though, he's been quite tired with his interrupted nights of sleep!  Lucky for him - today was a rest day and he got to take an awesome afternoon nap.  I was able to snap a few pictures of him snoozing away in our big bed during his late-morning nap.

Laying on Mommy

Sweetly sleeping

All cuddled up

After naptime, we met up with everyone else who was at the pool.  This time I had Daddy join him in the water and they had lots of fun!

Heading to the kids splash pad!

He wasn't too big of a fan of it though...

So off they went into the deeper end.

But only deep enough where AJ could stand on his own!

Holding Daddy's hand.

Next it was time for a jump...




Mid jump!

And he made it!

As the afternoon rolled on, we headed back to our rooms where we got ready for a dinner date with my college friend Shelly and her husband, Jolyon.  We dropped off Baba and Dziadzi at Downtown Disney and then headed to Tijuana Flat's (a yummy mexican restaurant) with Shelly and Jolyon!

Thanks to Shelly for taking this adorable pic of our little one!

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