Saturday, February 9, 2013

Fat Lip

After hanging out with Daddy, it was Mommy's turn!  AJ wanted to stand up on the couch and jump off of it into my arms.  We were playing this game for a while until Mommy's arms got tired.  Well, while on our little break, Mommy decided to check her phone really quickly and AJ didn't listen when Mommy said 'no!' and he jumped off the couch and right into Mommy's head.  Ouch!!  Needless to say, AJ's tooth pierced his upper lip and Mommy had a little bit of a sore head.  But after about a minute of crying and Mommy's consoling hugs, AJ was right back at 'em jumping and being his crazy little self!

Sweetly sleeping in Mommy's arms with a big fat upper lip.  :(

This kid makes my heart smile.

Close-up of the damage.  It wasn't that bad, but I'm sure it didn't feel too good.

All cuddled up in his crib.

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