Monday, February 4, 2013

Nineteen Months

Our little boy is officially past the half-way point to being two years old!  AJ is starting to 'talk' so much more and we're kinda scared for when he really does start talking... we don't think he will ever be quiet again!! haha He is trying so hard to learn new words everyday and we're so proud of him for it!  AJ is still loving Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer - we have to watch it at least 2-3 times a day! AJ refers to Thomas the Tank Engine as 'Tom' - apparently they're on a first name basis with each other!  He now holds a phone (whether it be the house phone or mommy's cell phone) to his ear and says 'ello?'.  He's slowly starting to understand what 'going to the potty' means as he will shout out 'I pee' at random times during the day (even once when he was pooping!).  And we even have him sitting on the potty for a few seconds at a time - granted he hasn't done anything yet, but it's a start!  His top canine teeth have cut through and well as his bottom right canine tooth.  Teething this time around is still affecting his appetite as he barely wants to eat anytime we offer him food, but we have found out that he likes pomegranate arils (the seeds inside).  He's starting to become a bit more lovey and now will put his lips out and lightly smack them together when he wants to give a kiss or get a kiss (cutest thing EVER!).  He was diagnosed with folliculitis, which is an inflammatory infection of the hair follicles, but we quickly got it taken care of with some meds thanks to Dr. Long!  He says 'shhh' and holds his pointer finger to his mouth when he wants you to be quiet or when he is trying to be silly.  When you ask him what color something is, he will always say 'boo' (blue!).  He can identify a pig and a frog now and when you ask him what a frog says he responds with 'bit'.  He knows all of his Star Wars bath toys (this makes Daddy soo proud!) and loves to throw any and all of his sensory balls that Santa brought him.  Both Daddy and I swear that AJ said 'Hi Daddy' when we were waiting in the airport before Florida!  And recently while I was changing his diaper and he was reading his 'Elmo Goes Potty' book, I asked AJ what Elmo was doing and he said 'go to pot'!!  I'm telling you... it's not long before our little man is speaking full sentences!  And when that time comes.. we're in trouble! haha

Alexander James - we may not have had a photoshoot today for your nineteenth month birthday, but you got to spend it in the happiest and most magical place on earth - DisneyWorld!!  We love you buddy!!

AJ, Mommy and Daddy with his favorite Disney Character, Mickey. 
 Or as AJ calls him 'Minn'!

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