Friday, February 1, 2013

Airport Time!

Today we are headed to Orlando, FL for a fun and relaxing family vacation with Babcia, Dziadzi, Cioci Kimmy, Uncle Jason and the girls.  On our way to the airport, we stopped at Dunkin Donuts and I picked up some munchkins for the kiddos and Daddy and I got breakfast.  And once we filled our bellies, it was off to T.F. Green airport!!  Once we got there, we realized how early we were (Gasp - me...early?! I know!!) so Daddy, AJ and I set up camp on some benches near the entrance so we would see the rest of the gang when they got to the airport.  After a few minutes, AJ got a little bored so I decided to go sit by the area that overlooked the baggage claim area which just so happened to have a glass banister that AJ could see through.  This kept him occupied for awhile as did him running back and forth from Mommy to Daddy and back again!

Enjoying a glazed munchkin with Mommy

'AJ.. you have a little leftover glaze on your upper lip!'

Running back and forth from Daddy to Mommy

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