Friday, June 29, 2012

Cousins Get-Together

Our cousin Kristin is in town for the long holiday weekend so all the cousins who were off today went over to Matt and Lauren's house for a get together.  It was nice to catch up and enjoy some quality time together in the pool.  However, I completely forgot to bring my camera to capture the memories!  FAIL!  The only picture I did take today was with my iPhone and it was of a passed out AJ... he had way too much fun in the pool earlier in the day!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

What a Ham!

After our walk this afternoon, I took out my camera and captured some pics of AJ.  He is such a little ham!

Checking In

Before AJ, Timber and I went on our walk today, I checked in on our birdie friends to see how they were doing.  They were just chilaxing in their nest waiting for their Momma to come back with some goodies for them to eat.

Breakfast of Champions

It doesn't take much to make my little one happy.  This morning he had a yummy breakfast of raspberries and frozen pancakes!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Baby Birds

This afternoon my father-in-law pointed out to me that we have three baby birds living in a nest in the holly bush right outside of our front porch.  With his help, I was able to get a few pictures of the cute little birdies.

The poor birdies are hungry...

A little bit closer view of the tiny little birds....

So adorable!

Monday, June 25, 2012

My Little Carnivore

We ate dinner at Babcia and Dziadzi's tonight because Daddy had to work late.  The menu consisted of leftovers which included some clam chowder and baby back ribs.  AJ loved the potatoes from the clam chowder and the ribs too!

Munching on the rib bone

Yummy ribs!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Caught In The Act!

'Mommy doesn't need these clothes in the basket, does she?'

'Oh look, Daddy's pants'

'Daddy's pants on the floor'

'I think I'll just play with this belt while it's here'

'Uh oh... you caught me Momma!'

Friday, June 22, 2012

It's Straw Time

With AJ's 1st birthday coming up soon, I figured it was time for AJ to learn how to drink from a straw.  He does awesome with the sippy cup and drinking from Grandma and Grandpa's glass so I figured a straw wouldn't be too much a problem.  I put some apple juice and water in a straw cup and gave it to him and at first, he wasn't sure what to do with it - he just kept biting the straw and playing with it.  But then I would take the cup and put the straw in my mouth and show him how I sucked from the straw.. And after seeing Mommy do it for quite a few times, he figured out that he could do it too!!  I'm sure it also helped that after every time he would get liquid from the straw Mommy would applaud and praise him!  He's still working on it and perfecting the drinking from a straw skill, but I'm just so proud that after a few hours he was able to drink from a straw!

What is this new thing Mommy gave me?

'I'm learning Momma..but for right now I want to play with the straw!'

AJ being silly with his straw cup

'Look Mom, I got it!! I can do it!'

Monday, June 18, 2012

Sweet Deal!

My niece Katie's preschool closed up shop after 8 years and Miss Deana (Katie's teacher) decided to sell off almost everything she has.  As sad as it is that she is selling everything, we completely made out like bandits!  Cioci Kimmy, Babcia and myself couldn't stop ourselves!  For AJ I got a bunch of wooden puzzles, some little people toys, some books, a little tikes playground that normally retails for $800 for only $20, a little tikes kitchen set that retails for around $200 for $20, a little tikes workshop and various other little things.  Cioci Kimmy got a playhouse that retails for around $300 for only $10 and various other little toys.  Babcia got six kid sized chairs, circle time mats and some little people toys.  And can you guess how much we paid for all of it?? Only $130!!  We are bargain shoppers to the max!!

Little Tikes workshop

Little Tikes Kitchen Set

Friday, June 15, 2012

Daddy's Birthday!

Daddy turned 34 today so we had a mini party complete with pizza and pie to celebrate with family and friends!

The yummy chocolate chip cookie pie!

Enjoying be sung to by family

Blow them all out - you can do it!

Even AJ tried to help cause Daddy was having a hard time!

Excited about his 'Man Town' Yankee Candle

And even more excited about his 'Riding Mower' Yankee Candle

Blood Work

At AJ's 9-month doctor's appointment, I was informed that I would have to take AJ to get blood taken for a lead test.  The nurse told me they used to do it right in the office, but now we have to take the kids to a lab to get the blood drawn. Ugh.  Needless to say, I procrastinated and wasn't right on top of doing it.  The doctor's office didn't need the results until his 12-month appointment so I had some time...But time was starting to run out so I had to bring him in to get it done.  So this morning we went to Quest Diagnostics lab in Norwich and there was nice older woman who drew his blood.  I had to hold him throughout the whole process and he only really squirmed and cried when the technician couldn't find his vein (rightfully so!).  After she inserted the needle she had to move it around a bit in his arm to catch the vein... my poor pumpkin!  My heart sank because I know that is painful and he was making it known that it hurt, but luckily she found the vein after only a second or two and then AJ was completely fine.  And to add to it - she had to take 3 vials of blood...  THREE!!  My poor little guy was drained after this experience but he survived and was a trooper!! So proud of him!

We had to run to Stop & Shop on our way home.. he was such a good boy!  See the bandage on his arm?  My little guy is tough!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Gardening and Outdoor Time

While Daddy was doing some work on the garden today, AJ and I went outside and plopped ourselves right next to him so we could keep him company.  We also were able to get our fair share of vitamin D while keeping Daddy entertained!

Daddy was tying the pepper plants to wooden sticks for support.

Look at that awesome trellis my hubby made!  Those cucumbers should grow like a dream!

We did a little walking while Daddy tied twine on the trellis...

...then I had some water and apple juice to stay hydrated while out in the hot sun...

..then I decided I wanted to raise the roof with my cup!

...and I wouldn't give Mommy a smile. Not one. 

Enjoying a view of the house and Timber outside!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

My Little Train Conductor

Whenver I put this one outfit on AJ I feel like I'm looking at a train conductor because of the stripes, color and overalls.... Choo choo!

Friday, June 8, 2012

AJ's First Baseball Game

FritoLay hosted a family event tonight at McCoy Stadium, home of the Pawtucket Red Sox in Pawtucket, RI for some of the managers and their family.  Once we arrived at the stadium and entered through the gates, AJ received a wooden bat as a welcome gift!  Then FritoLay put on a barbecue dinner with hamburgers, hotdogs, chicken and all the fixins' along with yummy ice cream, cotton candy, nachos and almost every other ballpark food you can think of!   AJ was lucky tonight and Daddy slipped him a taste of cotton candy while I wasn't looking, but thankfully for us the sugar didn't make him go crazy!! Another treat FritoLay had was for all the kids - they were able to pick their own PawSox souvenir from a HUGE pile of souvenirs!  There were bats, baseballs, foam fingers, etc.  Of course Daddy couldn't let AJ go without a souvenir so he picked up a soft baseball and bat set along with a foam finger for our little guy.  After all that fun, the game started so we sat down and watched for a bit, but then we ended up mingling with Daddy's coworkers.  After a few hours we decided to call it quits and get AJ home for bedtime, but I think his first baseball experience was a success!

Playing with Daddy and his new ball waiting for the game to start

Hanging out with Momma

Daddy and AJ lovin'

Who's up there?!

Posing with the team Mascot

Cousin Time

Cioci Kimmy had a doctor's appt this morning and had to run a few errands so she asked me to watch the girls.  I happily obliged as I know AJ loves spending time with his cousins (and I do too!!).

First the morning started out with some hot dogs and eggs...

Then Katie had some fun with bubble wrap...

..and AJ tried it too...

..then the girls decided they wanted to get into the crib! I had to put all three in there for a picture opportunity! 

Then the girls chose to lay down and pretend they were babies... 

Once they decided to get out, Katie and AJ had fun with some toys in AJ's room...

...Then it was time to play pat-a-cake... 

...and next Katie decided to help teach AJ how to walk with his lion walker... 

...and finally, Allie had to chime in with the other walker we have too.. she didn't want to be left out! 

What a fun morning we had all together!