Monday, June 4, 2012

Eleven Months Old!

The eleventh month has arrived!  AJ keeps changing on a daily basis and it's so much fun to watch him grow.  In the past month I've finally heard him say 'mama' and it makes my heart smile.  He's flown on an airplane to Florida and back and was an absolute angel during the flights.  He's tried to use the sign for 'more' during dinner.  He can now climb the stairs all by himself from our basement to the upstairs.  He's discovered his feet and loves to play around with them, especially when he's in the carseat.  He loves to make a clucking sound with his tongue.  He wants to discover anything and everything which includes opening and closing the cabinets in the kitchen and bathrooms.  He has his own drawer in the living room in our one and only end table and he loves to open it up and go through the contents of it.  He now thinks its hilarious to stand up in his highchair and give Momma a heart attack!  He waves hi and bye with a little bit of encouragement and it's the cutest thing because he uses his whole arm for the motion.  He splashes and 'rakes' the water in the bathtub so it makes for a very wet bathtime!

Only 30 more days and my baby will be one year old.  I'm not sure where this past year has gone but if it could slow down for the next 30 days, I would be forever grateful!  I'm so not ready for AJ to become a toddler.  It just can't happen!!

Getting the monthly picture isn't so easy anymore...

Not only does he not sit still, but he tries to rip the sticker off too!

I distracted him with the crawler ball and finally got him to sit still after 5,789 attempts!

He LOVES to play with the phone and on an almost daily basis hits the 'end' button when Mommy is talking to Cioci Kimmy!

'Fine.. I'll sit here so you can take a picture of me'

He LOVES the remote too! He's just like his Daddy!

We're so proud of him for learning how to put the ball in the chicken all by himself!

Trying to get away from the camera...crawling to his drawer.

Playing with the stuff in his drawer

Those baby blues make my heart melt

I love my feet!

More Cluck and Learn play time

I just love this angle and again he has the remote!

Are we done with this photoshoot yet, Mom?

One last smile for you Mommy

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