Friday, June 22, 2012

It's Straw Time

With AJ's 1st birthday coming up soon, I figured it was time for AJ to learn how to drink from a straw.  He does awesome with the sippy cup and drinking from Grandma and Grandpa's glass so I figured a straw wouldn't be too much a problem.  I put some apple juice and water in a straw cup and gave it to him and at first, he wasn't sure what to do with it - he just kept biting the straw and playing with it.  But then I would take the cup and put the straw in my mouth and show him how I sucked from the straw.. And after seeing Mommy do it for quite a few times, he figured out that he could do it too!!  I'm sure it also helped that after every time he would get liquid from the straw Mommy would applaud and praise him!  He's still working on it and perfecting the drinking from a straw skill, but I'm just so proud that after a few hours he was able to drink from a straw!

What is this new thing Mommy gave me?

'I'm learning Momma..but for right now I want to play with the straw!'

AJ being silly with his straw cup

'Look Mom, I got it!! I can do it!'

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