Friday, June 15, 2012

Blood Work

At AJ's 9-month doctor's appointment, I was informed that I would have to take AJ to get blood taken for a lead test.  The nurse told me they used to do it right in the office, but now we have to take the kids to a lab to get the blood drawn. Ugh.  Needless to say, I procrastinated and wasn't right on top of doing it.  The doctor's office didn't need the results until his 12-month appointment so I had some time...But time was starting to run out so I had to bring him in to get it done.  So this morning we went to Quest Diagnostics lab in Norwich and there was nice older woman who drew his blood.  I had to hold him throughout the whole process and he only really squirmed and cried when the technician couldn't find his vein (rightfully so!).  After she inserted the needle she had to move it around a bit in his arm to catch the vein... my poor pumpkin!  My heart sank because I know that is painful and he was making it known that it hurt, but luckily she found the vein after only a second or two and then AJ was completely fine.  And to add to it - she had to take 3 vials of blood...  THREE!!  My poor little guy was drained after this experience but he survived and was a trooper!! So proud of him!

We had to run to Stop & Shop on our way home.. he was such a good boy!  See the bandage on his arm?  My little guy is tough!

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