Saturday, June 2, 2012

Babcia Knows Best

It's been a battle trying to get AJ to take naps in his crib.  I usually don't fight him too much on it because I know he's only young once and I love holding him in my arms while he's sleeping.  However, now that he's getting older I figure it's time to try and get him transitioned to crib naps.  Well, Babcia gave me the perfect way to get him down for a nap in his crib - it involves me rocking him for a little bit and then putting him down in his crib.  I then go sit down in the rocker in his room and pretend I'm sleeping and he'll see that I'm sleeping so he'll eventually go down on his own too.  And once he's down, I then sneak out very quietly.   So with this new found tip from Babcia.. I tried it today and it worked! YAY!  AJ slept for an hour and a half in his crib!! Go AJ!! (and Mommy!!)  Thanks for the tip Babcia!!

Look at his little bum up in the air! So adorable!

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