Friday, June 8, 2012

Cousin Time

Cioci Kimmy had a doctor's appt this morning and had to run a few errands so she asked me to watch the girls.  I happily obliged as I know AJ loves spending time with his cousins (and I do too!!).

First the morning started out with some hot dogs and eggs...

Then Katie had some fun with bubble wrap...

..and AJ tried it too...

..then the girls decided they wanted to get into the crib! I had to put all three in there for a picture opportunity! 

Then the girls chose to lay down and pretend they were babies... 

Once they decided to get out, Katie and AJ had fun with some toys in AJ's room...

...Then it was time to play pat-a-cake... 

...and next Katie decided to help teach AJ how to walk with his lion walker... 

...and finally, Allie had to chime in with the other walker we have too.. she didn't want to be left out! 

What a fun morning we had all together!

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