Sunday, August 10, 2014

Play and Pool Fun at Auntie Lauren's House

This afternoon we headed over to Auntie Lauren and Uncle Matt's house. AJ, Molly and Chloe played outside for a bit before we all went in for a delicious lunch of cheeseburgers, chicken sausage and Michael's delicious zucchini relish.  AJ even joined in on the fun of eating a cheeseburger!! (He's been willing to try to new foods lately and I am soo stinkin' excited about it!)  He ate about half of a cheeseburger - go AJ! After lunch we put Chloe down for a nap and headed into the pool. It was a bit chilly at first, but after awhile we got used to it and AJ and Molly were loving chasing after each other on the porch. There were even a few cousins hugs!  While we were swimming, AJ told me had to go pee. Instead of drying off and going inside, I decided to take him to a shaded and secluded area around the pool and had AJ drop his draws and pee. According to him he was 'feeding the dirt.'  The things that come out of kids mouths!  Thanks for letting us come over and hang out for the afternoon guys!

Thinking about going in.

Still not sure.

Molly wanted a hug, but AJ wasn't too interested.

Finally got a little smile out of my little guy. 

Think AJ might have had a bit of fun with Molly?

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