Friday, August 15, 2014

Cousins Day, finally!

We finally did it - we had a cousins day today!! It's been so so long since we've all gotten together and hung out! We made our way to Cioci Kimmy's house this morning around 11am (of course after a Dunkin Donuts coffee run!) where Auntie Jen, Kaleigh and Mel and Auntie Lauren and Molly and the girls were waiting for our arrival. The kiddos were so excited to see each other and play outside together. Our day consisted of watching the kiddos play on the swings and slides, jump on the trampoline and watch the older girls swim in the not-so-warm pool! (One would think since it's mid-August the pool would be super warm, but nope! These last few chilly nights and even today it was breezy and cool made for a cool water pool!)  Us adults were able to have some chit-chat time, but our kiddos kept us pretty busy throughout the day, even during our pizza lunch! Thank you Cioci Kimmy for hosting cousins day today - I know I can't wait for the next one!


My favorite of the day.. all the little cousins together! 

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