After those fun activities it was story time with The Kissing Hand book. Mrs McManus had the kids sit on the castle rug and tell everyone their name before she read, which AJ was shy for and didn't say his name - he just hung his head down and didn't talk. Then it was story time with a fun activity afterwards related to the story. We got to trace each other's hands, cut them out (AJs first time using scissors - nervous mom right here!) and the place happy face stickers on then. Finally, we had to give each hand a special kiss from mommy (related to the story) so when AJ is in class and misses his mommy, he can go to our cutout hands and touch it, knowing mommy's kisses were right there and she isn't too far away! After activity time the kiddos washed their hands again and it was snack time. Applesauce and juice for the kiddos, which AJ only chose to drink the juice despite our efforts to get him to eat the applesauce. He had a small little meltdown where we had a little fit and he hit mommy, but daddy talked to him and he was fine within seconds. Then he was back to playing with the puzzles and enjoying his new classroom. As we were playing Auntie Jen came in quickly and waved to us, but AJ missed her so Mrs McManus opened up the secret door that joins the Pre-K and Kindergarten rooms and AJ got to see Auntie Jen - he was tickled pink about this!
We left soon thereafter where AJ proudly wore his backpack and walked down the hallway back to the office so mommy and daddy could sign out. Along our walk, AJ noticed and pointed out the 'water mountain' (aka fountain) and was so excited that he was in 'his school'. AJ won't be back until next Wednesday (a whole week away) for his actual first day of school and I can't wait. He seemed to really enjoy his time in the classroom today and I have a feeling he will learn to love school!
Alexander - Daddy and I are so proud of you on your first day of school. We can't wait to see what the school year has in store for you - we love you little guy!
Now, if mommy and AJ can survive the first drop off without lots of tears next week... That's our next mission to be accomplished! Wish us luck next week!
Not looking so excited to start his first day.
Very important things going on on the iPad
All smiles now that we're about to go...
In the car and ready to go!
Playing in the sensory table.
A little nervous/apprehensive with all the new things...
But getting the hang of things and playing..
Playing with David and Declan.
He really liked the kitchen area!
Playing market!
Now on to the blocks with David.
Back to the sensory table.
Sitting in circle time for a story.
Andrew and Luckas on either side of him.
Activity time!
Waiting patiently for his snack.
Completed his first day... So proud of our little boy!
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