Friday, August 22, 2014

Roller Coaster Fun!

It was a last minute decision (literally decided last night around 9/10pm) but we had a playdate with Xavier and Julie today!  'Auntie' Julie brought down X's swivel car and his awesome Step 2 roller coaster and the boys had a blast!  Julie set up the roller coaster in front of the van, which I had parked at the top of the driveway to keep the boys from getting too close to the road, and the boys took turns going down on the coaster bike and they absolutely loved it!   The boys also decided on their own it would be super cool to go down backwards on the coaster!  Talk about heart attack for us mommas, but of course they had it under control and no accidents or flip overs occurred!   The both shared pretty well and there was very minimal fighting about whose turn it was - so proud of them!  As a special treat - we ordered lunch from the local pizza shop and had it delivered so the boys could get more play time in.  After lunch, there was a hugfest between X and AJ - really it was more like 'let me pretend I'm hugging you, but I'm then gonna tackle you down on the couch'.  Boys will be boys... oh boy!!   Thank you 'Auntie' Julie and Xavier for coming down - we had such an awesome time!


Time for a snack!

Drink pit stop! 

AJ totally twirls his hair when he's tired and/or when he's drinking from his cup.  
He totally get this trait from this mother!  

Timber enjoyed some outside time with us! 

Next stop to get burn more energy: our backyard!

See those dates.. that's our kiddos!

Running back! 

Inside for some take out lunch! 

And then the hugfest started...

Next up was tv time.  

But back to the hugging they went!

Chloe wanted to join in on the picture fun!

These two are silly!


There are those handsome smiles!

Xavier trying to go in for a hug!

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