Sunday, June 8, 2014

Off to Grandma and Grandpa's

Daddy had to work a Frito Lay Open House event this afternoon so while he was there, we hopped on over to Grandma and Grandpa's house for a visit.  While we were on our way there, AJ made sure to let me know that he was very excited for the one book that Grandma and Grandpa have.  He remembered it was yellow and about animals.  It's been some time since we have made our way up to Killingly to their house, but apparently no time that passed could erase that exciting book from his memory!

Playtime with some toys and a changing pad!

Hanging with his buddy, Grandpa

The tv was very interesting.

Like Grandfather, like Grandson

These two love each other!

Meanwhile, Chloe tried to escape all the fun and hide under the chair. 

I see you!

What a cutie!

After a bit of playing, Grandma and Grandpa offered to watch the kiddos so I could go to the Open House (thank you!).  Frito had finally opened their manufacturing facility and warehouse up for tours so I jumped on the opportunity.  It was really cool to finally see the place that my husband spends the majority of his days.  The facility is just amazing and huge!  After touring the plant, we then went outside and grabbed a bite to eat and karate chopped some wood...because why not?!  Although - I will admit, best part of the tour?  Eating a hot dorito right off of one of the Dorito lines!  Yum!

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