Sunday, June 22, 2014

Eight Months

Our pretty little girl is sitting up all by herself with no wobbling!  She is also almost on the move - I'm pretty sure I saw Chloe working on her army crawl this morning!  How is that even possible?! She's really starting to show an interest in playing with toys, especially Sophie the Giraffe.  Chloe loves to play with her while I am changing her diaper, which is awesome because Miss Thing won't sit still for two seconds for me to change her diaper.  Sophie at least helps to distract her and keep her still for maybe a second or two!  It's absolutely adorable though - she kicks her legs all around and moves her butt and it's almost like she is dancing...but changing her diaper is basically a five minute event now because of it! haha  Chloe really digs the jumparoo - she loves to jump up and down and strengthen those legs.  Speaking of those legs, Chloe has the most adorable little chubby thighs.  I seriously could eat them right up!  Our big girl is still a very good eater, always eating a yogurt and some fruit or sweet potatoes for her main meal.  We've also introduced GoGurt, which she has taken a liking to.  I definitely think it helps her out with those two little teethies that are trying to push through on her bottom.  And yes, I did say two.  I think Miss Chloe will be getting two teeth for the price of one when they do finally decide to pop up, which seems like it could be in the next couple of weeks.  She also likes to snack on puffs and yogurt drops when she is waiting for Momma to get her food while in the highchair (because Momma is never fast enough).  Chloe still hasn't decided whether she likes her side, tummy or back for sleeping.  Whenever I look at the monitor, she is usually in a different position each time...but I will not complain because my little girl is such a good sleeper!  She is still taking two naps a day and sleeping through the night for about 11-12 hours.  Go Chloe!  The admiration Chloe has for her big brother keeps growing...I definitely think they will be the best of friends!  The smile she gets on her face when she sees him is priceless.  It's almost as good as the smile she gets on her face when she sees her Momma or Daddy after a long day of us being at work.

Happy eight months baby girl!  We love you!


The two fingers - it's her comfort zone.


AJ didn't start taking the sticker off until about 10 months I believe...
 this one is an early learner!

He loves her.

She loves him.

One of my favorites.

















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