Monday, June 2, 2014

Backyard Fun

Before the sun set for the day, me and the two kids headed outside.  AJ needed to run off some energy, Chloe needed to get acquainted with the playground in the backyard and Mommy needed some fresh air - so we all ventured outside to enjoy the warm evening air for some playtime!

AJ was so excited to get acquainted with his backyard toys again!
This is a whole new adventure for Chloe!

Running back to me after checking out our little pond area. 
Running is hard work so AJ needed to sit for a little break.
Peek-a-boo.. where's AJ?! 

He was having a ball!

Just look at that smile!

Contemplating the small slide and Mommy is enjoying the adorable dimple on his cheek! 

King of the castle!
Daddy joined us on his tractor.

Found ya! 

Trying to find Daddy on his tractor somewhere in the yard..  

Kisses for my tired girl 

I was totally digging the sunlight. 
Miss Chloe was loving the fresh air and the fact that she could sit up on the playground. 
They both look interested in something in the opposite direction!

I'm pretty sure AJ was roaring like a dinosaur for this picture!

Despite what it looks like, Chloe did not get stepped on by her big brother!
 I can barely handle the cuteness.
Ready for her brother to come back and play with her.
There he is!

Peek-a-boo - I see you!
She adores him!
'Where did he go now?'  

He's back!
This girl LOVES to pull her pant legs up.  She's so silly! 

Belly sliding!
And this is where the cuteness begins. 

He loves her... 

 And knows how to make her laugh... 

And she loves him just as much. 

One of my absolute favorite pictures of my kiddos.
We are so lucky to have these two. 

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