Monday, June 9, 2014

Sevigny Stories

  • AJ is currently obsessed with candy hearts that we have left over from Valentine's Day.  They sit hidden on top of the kitchen counter, but his memory is way too good and he remembers they are there!  Lately, he asks for one a day and tells me he wants his 'harp'. He always asks me 'what does it say Momma' and I'll have to read him the little message on it. No matter what it says I try to steal a kiss before he runs off to enjoy his 'harp'.  
  • When AJ goes on the potty, I usually have Chloe right in the bathroom with me. His new thing is he makes eye contact with Chloe and keeps saying 'hi, hi, hi' over and over again. Chloe thinks it's the most hilarious thing and laughs and laughs. AJ definitely captivates her attention anytime he is near her. You can tell she loves him just as much as he loves her. God, I hope this continues in throughout the years! 

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