Friday, October 4, 2013

38 Weeks

When I say that my swelling is in full-force.. I'm not kidding.  Check out my awesome feet and cankles (can I still even call them that?!)!

LS2 is still super active which leads me to believe he/she has no interest in coming out anytime soon. At yesterday's appointment I was measuring right at 38 weeks and LS2's heartbeat was in the 140s.  I'm definitely feeling A LOT more pressure these days so who knows when LS2 will make his/her appearance... will it be sooner rather than later?! Only time will tell!  Until then, I'll enjoy these last few weeks of feeling the baby kicks and rubbing my belly!

Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to have my picture taken this week.  So disappointed in myself! :(

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