Saturday, October 12, 2013

39 Weeks

The swelling in my feet and ankles keeps getting worse.  My right hand is now starting to go numb and get tingly during bedtime.  But my LS2 is still on the move!!  I saw Dr. Inducer, I mean Dr. Brown yesterday at my appointment and we had the talk about how long they will let me go (41 weeks) and that if I haven't gone by my appointment next week we will schedule an induction. I'm really hoping to go naturally this time around so we will see what happens next week.  He checked the baby's heartbeat and I believe it was in the 140s and the baby is still head down!  I also got checked for dilation and the only news I got was that my cervix is soft, but no dilation yet.  So.... another week will go by and I will savor these last weeks of pregnancy with my LS2 in my belly.

And in the words of my oh-so-eloquent sister when I posed for these pictures.. 'Wow, you've definitely popped! You look huge!'




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