Friday, May 10, 2013

We pulled it off!

For the past month or two, Auntie Kristin has been planning a secret trip back to CT to spend some quality time with her sister and Miss Molly.  I was the only one in the family that knew about it as I would be the one to pick her up from the bus station (she flew in to Boston) and make the arrangements on how the surprise would go down (aka know where Lauren's whereabouts were that day!).  So I made sure to make a playdate with Lauren and Molly for today as this morning is when I would be picking up Auntie Kristin in Hartford.  Unfortunately, things changed a bit and Auntie Lauren had to go to GG's house to conduct a PT evaluation on GG since she had a fall a couple weekends ago and her arm was still really sore.  Luckily, I at least knew where Lauren would be and it actually turned out better this way cause now Cioci Sue would be there too since they were meeting with GG's aids also.  So off this morning AJ and I went to Hartford to pick up Auntie Kristin!  After a quick pit stop at CVS in Glastonbury we headed right down to GG's house.  Everyone was still there - perfect!  AJ and I went up the stairs first and surprised everyone since they weren't expecting us...  Kristin stayed downstairs cause she felt bad interrupting the meeting.  In order to let her know that it was ok, I had to come up with a reason to go back downstairs so I said I had left my bag downstairs and I would be right back up.  SO I went downstairs and told Kris the coast was clear and she followed me up.  I opened the door back up and then Kristin followed and what a surprise it was!!  Cioci Sue's jaw literally dropped to the ground and Lauren had to do a few double takes to make sure it was really Kristin!  Needless to say - we pulled off the surprise and everyone was so excited that Kristin was back in town for a few days!!

Auntie Kristin enjoying Molly cuddles!

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