Saturday, May 4, 2013


Two words: verbal explosion!  Alexander is talking up a storm these days and he has so much that he wants to say!  I wish I understood everything he was trying to tell me...soon enough though!  He says 'tank' for thank you and 'pin' for a pinch of food for his goldfish.  He is starting to put two words together - 'big truck' and 'bad dog'.  (Yeah, my 22 month old tells his doggy he's being bad!)  He also yells 'STOP!' when Timber and Porter are fighting - he does not like it at all!  Green is still his favorite color and the color of everything when you ask him what color something is.  He's learned that he can walk on his knees instead of having to stand up to walk somewhere if he is already sitting on his knees.  He absolutely LOVES to be outside - it's a fight every. single. time. I tell him it's time to go inside.  And when we're outside he loves to look at the goldfish in our little pond and try to find the frogs that are hanging out.  AJ is also a huge helper and likes to help pick up sticks or use his little rake around the yard.  He even likes to help clean up his toys after he is done playing with them - he'll say 'back' as in he's putting his toys back where he got them from. He has become a lot more affectionate recently and I am absolutely loving it.  He loves to give hugs and will say 'hug' and when I ask for a kiss he will make a kissy sound and purse his lips.  It's seriously the cutest thing!!  AJ seems to be understanding letters and the sounds they make.  When we work on his alphabet puzzle, he can pick out letters when asked and he knows exactly where they go when it's time to put them back.  He's also started to try and mimic the sound of certain letters.  He has started to match up items that are alike with his monster color cards and the Disney Easter match game at Baba's.  And when he realizes that he's made a match or when he's completed a task - he has no problem saying 'I did it!' in such a proud voice with arms raised and all.  We love it!

These past few months have been so much fun - there's always something new that Alexander does on a daily basis and we absolutely love watching him explore the world around him.  He is such a curious boy and we hope he never loses that curiosity or yearning to learn!  Happy twenty-two month Alexander James...Mommy and Daddy love you!

See more of AJ's 22-month pics on our post of 'A Day Out with Thomas!'

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