Wednesday, May 22, 2013

PT Wednesday

Today was the dreaded repeat of last Wednesday!  As I pulled into Cioci Kimmy's driveway, I parked on the grass away from the turnaround and hoped for the best!!  Just kidding Kimmy...but no reall, I did park on the grass today!  Our morning with the girls was a lot less eventful than last week and we're okay with that!!

Allie loved the cheesy scrambled eggs I made her and AJ for breakfast!

AJ wanted to eat puffies instead of the eggs... go figure!

Maddie enjoyed her puffies too!

Get in my mouth!

After breakfast, it was PBS time!

Maddie looking super cute!

This was the best pciture I could get of AJ playing.. the kid refused to look at me!

Ariel joined us for a little bit this morning. 
Sensory balls and triangle fun!

AJ wanted in on the fun too!

I love how Maddie is pulling on AJ's pant leg basically saygin 'pay attention to me!'

As a thank you, Cioci Kimmy bought us lunch and the kiddos huge cookies! Here are Katie and AJ enjoying the yummy goodness!

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