Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Don't Hit My Van

Since Cioci Kimmy has sprained her knee she now needs to go to physical therapy appointments.  She asked me to come over this morning and watch Maddie and Allie while Katie was at school so she could go for her initial evaluation.  Of course I agreed and we were at Cioci Kimmy's bright and early at 8:10am this morning (early by about 15-20 minutes - hard to believe, I know!).  The morning at the Radachy household was quite uneventful, Jason and Katie left for work and school while Cioci Kimmy was nursing Maddie and Allie and AJ were playing in the playroom.   Once Maddie finished nursing, it was time for Cioci Lissa to take over and we sent off Cioci Kimmy on her merry way. Right before she walked out the door I said 'Don't hit my van!' as a joke since I was parked in their turnaround in the driveway.  Well, maybe I should have never uttered those words cause right as I put Maddie into the exersaucer and was about the cook some breakfast for the big kiddos, Cioci Kimmy came through the front door all distressed and said 'I just hit your van'.  Oh no!! The tears then started flowing from Cioci Kimmy and I went into supportive sister mode.  Was I upset? Yes.  But did it really matter?! No.  It's just a car.  No one was hurt.  It happened in the driveway and it can be fixed.  Period. End of story.  As Kimmy was crying I tried to comfort her and let her know that it was okay, accidents happen and it can fixed.  I know if I was her I would be just as upset so I completely understood how she was feeling so I just gave her lots of hugs and told her it was alright.  Needless to say, her physical therapy evaluation appointment never happened and has now been rescheduled for next Wednesday where I will attempt the watch the kiddos again.  Let's not hope for a repeat next week!

My two-month old car with a big dent in it

Cioci Kimmy's car

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