Sunday, January 6, 2013

Thanks 'Auntie' Carrie and Lilly!

'Auntie' Carrie and Lilly came over last night and brought AJ's Christmas present, but AJ was already in bed for the night.  So this afternoon I had him sit down and open his present while I snapped a few photos to send to Carrie...

A present..yay!

He's got this!

Hard at work.
'Now I have to figure out this side. '
Almost there!
Woohoo! A doodle pad, markers and stamps!! 

He wanted to get right into it!

He made that scribble all by himself and then he wanted to decorate with a stamp! 

Double fisting the stamps!

Going to town!

Thanks 'Auntie' Carrie and Lilly for my present... I love it!!

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